Miroslav's commissions

I offer standing art illustrations, cover and PV illustrations!

Payment will happen after i am done with your commission. This is to assure that if i cancel my commissions abruptly, no one will be at lost. PayPal only.

UTAU/OC standing art

For standing art, you can purchase a fully rendered illustration for only 15 (+5 for complex design) USD! This includes a fully rendered fullbody art of your character of choice. One character per slot only.

Examples below:

PV (cover or original song) art

Newly, you can purchase a PV illustration as well! The price ranges from 10 - 25 USD depending on the complexity and characters included. The maximum amount of characters i can feature are three (3). 5 USD per additional character + 5 USD for a more complex illustration. The illustration will be based off the original visual of the song or your own description. Background will be simple. Bust up illustration is preffered.

Additionally, you can pay 5 USD extra to turn the illustration into a model for LipSync. (Option available only if a single character is featured. Includes A I U E O N phonemes + two frame wink.)

Examples below:

Short cover commissions

Short, fully tuned cover commissions are also an option! For 10 USD i will tune a short section (approx. around 1 minute} of your song of choice with your chosen voicebank. Final audio mixing is also included.

Please provide a download link of your voicebank of choice and .UST file.

Contact for commissions: